About Us


Two refreshing, informative voices in the industry who give you five minutes of their time, every time, for free…


Brooke Ballard

Brooke grew up helping her dad with maintenance projects in the apartment complexes he owned. You could say multifamily real estate is in her blood. Realizing that there were better investment options out there, she jumped headfirst into multifamily real estate and her first acquisition was 20 units.

Brooke is married with two young daughters and is employed as an Orthopedic Surgeon with a consulting gig on the side.


Daniel Larsen

Daniel has had an avid interest in personal finance and investing since graduating from college. He learned how fickle the stock market could be and went searching for a better solution. It took years, but after realizing that there was more to life than climbing the corporate ladder he had an Aha! moment with real estate. Combining forces with a friend from the volleyball court, he acquired over 2 million in value-add real estate in the first three years.

Daniel is employed full time as a pilot with a defense contractor in San Diego. He's married and has a young son.